For Companies

Shtudy is the easiest way for software developers, engineers, and data scientists to get jobs at the world's most innovative and inclusive companies

Shtudy is the easiest way for software developers, engineers, and data scientists to get jobs at the world's most innovative and inclusive companies

Hire Talent

Start 7-day free trial.

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  • Hire elite engineers from diverse backgrounds in 29 days

    Hire the top 1% of software developers across 100+ countries who genuinely want to work at your specific company. On average, Shtudy customers hire a candidate in 29 days or less.

  • More than 90% self-identify as Black, Latino/a, or Native American

    Of the thousands of remarkably talented candidates in our database, more than 90% are People of Color.

  • Risk-free

    If you qualify as a good fit, you have the option to start with a risk-free trial period. If it doesn’t work out, you don’t pay.

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Measure real-time feedback and KPIs

  • Daily updates

    Access real-time feedback and accurately predict your hiring ROI from your employer dashboard. Track the progress of your outreach using key performance indicators, and easily determine what it is about your company that attracts candidates most, and what areas need to improve.

  • Easy to manage

    Manage candidates directly from your Shtudy dashboard. Easily advance them to the next stage of the hiring process, pass on them, or simply keep in touch with them incase any future opportunities arise.

  • Engaged talent

    Shtudy candidates are highly responsive and intentionally open to new opportunities. 60% of candidates accept interview requests, 20% of interviews result in hires with Shtudy.

How to hire top software developers through Shtudy?

  • 01

    Tell us the skills you need

    We’ll schedule a call and understand your requirements.

  • 02

    Request interviews with top talent

    Get a list of pre-vetted candidates within days.

  • 03

    Schedule interviews

    Meet and select the developers you like.

  • 04

    Begin your trial

    Start building with a no-risk trial period.

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